Welcome to the Florida State Beekeeper Association -FSBA- Membership Portal
If this is the 1st time you enter you can set your password, just click on "FORGOT PASSWORD" to have a reset link e-mailed to you. The Password will need to be at least 6 characters, containing at least one of each: number, letter, and capital letter
Welcome to the Florida State Beekeeper Association -FSBA -Membership Portal
Please select from the menu on the top of the page to see your current status, update your record, set your preferences, change your password, and/or make payment for your next years membership.
If you have a license plate voucher, select voucher as your membership and you can upload your proof of purchase for your free year FSBA membership, from the date of voucher purchase.
If you have ANY questions, feel free to reach out to MemberShip@FSBAbee.org
There is also an upload files function for the "LandUse Program" (See the website for more information on the program)